Who We Are

What the hell is this?!!!! WHO ARE YOU!?

First… Let’s go ahead and settle down. Pump those brakes. Lower your fists. Deep breaths…

Second, this is the website for Piggy Inc.

Piggy Inc is a production company that’s only goal is to produce, facilitate, curate and present people and shows that we think are great.

We are a home for creative projects that may have trouble being classified. They may or may not be commercially viable. They may or may not be absurd, stupid, silly, insane, disgusting, wild, fun and good.

We have been producing live shows for years but we’ve been doing this informally (not under an umbrella or organization) and this STOPS NOW.

While our focus as a company is currently on live shows, we are in development on a few film/tv projects. We are as Hollywood as it gets baby hell yes.

Piggy was founded by John Norris. He is an absurdist comedian and producer and his info can be found at this LINK RIGHT HERE